Verztec competes under the Prominent Category for the SME1 Asia Awards 2012

SME1 Asia Awards recognizes socially responsible companies that have strived and achieved excellent results during their presence in Singapore.

SME1 Asia awards are segmented into five different categories to recognize thriving companies of different experience and nature. There will be five winners and an overall winner per category.

  • Distinguished Award

The Distinguished Award is open to enterprises that have shown over ten years of local presence, and have established themselves as the real exemplar for SMEs in Singapore.

  • Prominent Award

This award recognizes SMEs who have endured the growing pains and are prospering in their first decade of operations. These Prominent SMEs have successfully built a name for themselves in Singapore.

  • Notable Award

The Notable Award is presented to promising SMEs who have begun to mark their presence in the Singapore’s business community through various innovation and endeavor.

  • Emerging Award

This award recognizes innovative SMEs that have profitably achieved S$1 million annual revenue in their first-year of operation which is a rare and remarkable milestone for a new and growing business.

  • Foreign Enterprise Award (with local presence)

The Foreign Enterprise Award is specifically designed to recognize the outstanding performance and contribution of overseas registered SMEs with management based in Singapore. These businesses have shown outstanding and significant presence in the Singapore business community.

We have submitted our entry for the SME1 Asia Awards and is honored to be selected by the organizing committees to be under the Prominent category, competing alongside other successful SMEs that had ride out the hard times.

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