Verztec provides AI Translation with Post-Edit services to businesses around the world. We can support your business to achieve the perfect blend of speed, accuracy and affordability.
If you are not sure what AI Translation with Post-Edit services are, or how they differ from machine translation, our consultants can walk you through the process and the options available to you. Below, we explore these services in detail to help you consider which of them your business might need.
AI Translation Meets Human Expertise
Our AI Translation with Post-Edit (ATPE) is a hybrid of automated translation, followed by human translator checks and edits. The machine undertakes the initial translation process, then a team of qualified human translators review and edit the resulting copy to enhance the translation quality.
If your company has a high volume of content to translate and a low budget for translation, our machine translation post-edit services may be an ideal solution to consider.
Although languages can be rather complex and there are many areas to check on, for this particular service, our team of human translators do their best to drive up the quality of AI Translations by focusing on tone, flow, grammar, clarity, accuracy and local cultural relevance. They take the machine’s work and make it better through their skilled, nuanced translation expertise.
Why Should Your Business Use AI Translation with Post-Edit Services?
Verztec’s AI Translation with Post-Edit Services are the ideal way to translate large volume of documents quickly while keeping costs at affordable rates.
If your company needs to communicate large volume of content in multiple languages, using AI Translation with Post-Edit Services is a much better approach than just pure Machine Translation from publicly available Machine Translation sites.
You can achieve quality translations but at a much lower cost than if you opted for a full professional human translation service.
One key advantage to using Verztec’s AI Translation with Post-Edit services as opposed to just taking the machine translation output directly from Google Translate or ChatGPT or Amazon Translate or other AI Translation tools out there, is that our advanced AI Translation leverages on specialized industry sector data sets and this provides more accurate results for you.
Next, our team of professional human translators will then carefully review and refine the output, and account for language context, terminologies and cultural sensitivities during the editing process. This means you can trust that your translations would not have serious mistakes, accuracy issues or offend local sensitivities when you use them.
How Can Our AI Translation with Post-Edit Services Help Your Business?
Our consultants will work in partnership with you to identify the services that you need based on your operational priorities. We can work with you to ensure that everything is handled in the most appropriate and cost-effective manner while also respecting requirements around confidentiality and data security.
If your company is new to AI Translation with Post-Edit, we can map out and explain how the process can benefit you. Every company is unique, so we do our best to shape our services to help you achieve the right balance of speed, cost and quality to meet your goals and objectives.
There are different options of AI Translation with Post-Edit that you may select from.
2 Options of AI Translation with Post-Edit Services by Verztec
1. AI Translation with Standard Post-Edit
Our Standard AI Translation with Post-Edit service guarantees accurate translation and good quality. Our translators, typically with 5-7 years of experience, will correct mistranslations and address any additions or omissions from the AI output. The team will also refine spelling, punctuation, and grammar, enhance tone and flow, ensure consistency, correct errors, and make necessary stylistic or formatting adjustments. Cultural and ethnocentric nuances will be carefully considered to align the content with your target audience.
2. AI Translation with Premium Post-Edit
For those seeking the highest quality, our Premium AI Translation with Post-Edit service is the ideal choice. The translation team assigned to your project will consist of senior professionals with 10-20 years of experience, equipped with the expertise and industry-specific knowledge required to meet your needs. This service ensures accurate handling of specialist terminology and concepts. The result is a high-quality translation comparable to Professional Human Translation Services, with the added benefit of cost savings for your projects.
See all “Language Services”