Join us at Run for LIFE!

Interested to join Verztec Team for a charity run – Run for LIFE on 8th June 2013? Calling all runners and volunteers to participate in this meaningful RUN event to help disadvantaged children and at-risk youths. Run for a charitable cause which will go a long way towards funding the support for Sam and his friends. Check out Sam’s story and join us to Run for LIFE on 8th June 2013. For more information, check out Run for LIFE official website here.

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6th Annual Global Learning Summit 2013

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How to Get Your Brands on Video and Social Media

There are several things that all site owners must do to serve their geolingual visitors in order to march orders for global marketing staff:

  • Use more video and other interactive (non-text-based) content. Today, most companies that deliver video assets via their web properties are producing unique creative for each market. That works for one or two international markets. But now think about producing unique video assets in more than 30 languages. Smart creative can be adapted in various ways, using voice-over, dubbing, or subtitling in ways that build the local language right into the design. Do it. Be smart. Produce some local creative; then deliver the best assets in all markets.
  • Add participation features. People in emerging markets often feel ignored by big companies. But participation options can quickly overcome geographic and cultural distance. Engagement is critical for entering new markets, growing market share, and maintaining good customer relationships. Global websites as a class almost all require better engagement through participation. How can you get your audience involved? Or is this not your job? If this is the case, then make it somebody’s job in your organization. The sooner the better.
  • Jump into social with both feet. Social media is no longer new. It’s another form of communication, and one that is here to stay. You need to consider it as just one more tool in your marketing and customer engagement toolbox. Don’t ignore the social network effect any longer. Use it.

Verztec is a leading ISO 9001:2008 Global Content Consulting Services Company. Verztec assists companies around the world to design, develop, localize and publish their global communication messages in over 60 languages across various channels. For more information as to how Verztec may partner and assist in your next localization project, kindly contact us at or call +65 6577 4646 now!

*Sources: How to Get Your Brands on Video and Social Media: 1 April 2012 by Common Sense Advisory, Inc.

Posted in Communications, Emergent Markets, Marketing Communication, Social Media | 1 Comment

Verztec Connexions – February 2013

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Embracing Diversity, Celebrating Culture

Verztec Team would like to present a Chinese New Year greetings video to everyone. Click on the image here to watch the video.

Happy Chinese New Year!

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Happy Chinese New Year!

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How Translation Can Boost Your Website’s Bottom Line

By Rebecca Ray Senior Analyst, Common Sense Advisory

Is translation of your website optional? Unless every single one of your customers and prospects understands your language fluently and uses the same currency, the answer is probably “no.” Translation is mission-critical for many firms that do business across borders or target customers within their own domestic multicultural market.

Nine Ways to Benefit from Translating Your Website

Research repeatedly shows that website translation enables firms to expand their customer base and increase revenue. The process includes translating content into various languages, along with adapting your site to meet local business laws and practices related to currency, payment, fulfillment, and regulatory issues.

  1. Translation gives you access to more customers. Many people simply won’t buy your products unless you market to them in their language. A study by Common Sense Advisory showed that 72.1% of international consumers spend most or all of their time on sites in their own language. The 13 languages that allow you to reach 90% of the world’s online wallet are English, Japanese, German, Spanish, French, Simplified Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Korean, Arabic, Russian, and Swedish. And each language you add allows you to reach more customers wherever it’s spoken.
  2. Translation unlocks global revenue from those customers. Overall economic growth has stalled in North American and Western European markets. As a result, companies headquartered in those regions often find it to be a requirement, rather than an option, to offer additional translated versions of their products and services. Nowadays, they often need to act fast to capture customers with rising incomes in emerging and frontier markets before their local and regional competitors do so.
  3. Translation enhances your existing market presence – even at home. Do you own 100% of any market that you’re already in today? Doubtful. But you can penetrate deeper into the markets in which you’re already present by adding more languages. Even just one language – such as Spanish or Chinese in the United States, Polish in the United Kingdom, or Turkish in Germany – can help you reach customers in the locations in which you’re already spending marketing dollars, making that money go even further.
  4. Translation costs very little. Your investment in translated websites will be insignificant compared to the international revenue it will enable. After all, the average cost per word to create original content is 65 cents, while the average cost per word for translated content is only 10 cents. Your financial and purchasing teams will be on-board once they recognize that millions of dollars of additional income can be generated through a very minimal investment.
  5. Translation doesn’t have to be difficult. If you’re concerned about losing control of your web content as it moves into other languages, rest assured that you can easily outsource the function to professional language service providers. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel – plenty of companies (including the competition) have already learned the most painful lessons on your behalf.
  6. Translation makes it easier to win against competitors. You can leverage your investment in global markets based on a defensive or offensive strategy. Either way, the goal is to prevent challengers from dominating markets that could have a negative effect on sales, revenue, or overall brand perception in other markets, including the one at home.
  7. Translation provides your brand with a consistent voice. Over the last decade especially, firms have learned that consistent branding with local flavor represents a corporate asset with a hard dollar value. Research shows that a minimum of 16 languages are now required if you want to be among the best at remaining competitive online around the world.
  8. Translation allows you to protect and enhance your global reputation. If your organization is not set up to implement every product or service launch around the world, then you risk relinquishing control to your customers. With machine translation readily available for many languages, people buy, write reviews, and provide feedback on your offerings whether or not you officially launch in their market.
  9. Translation is often required by local markets anyway. You may be barred from selling your product or service unless it has been translated, along with your website, in countries that have language compliance laws such as Belgium and Canada. Similar rules often apply for regulated industries such as energy, financial services, life sciences, telecommunications, and utilities. Even if you’re not in a regulated field, you may be required to translate in order to support customers who are.

English may be the language of business, but it’s often not the language of your local prospects and customers. The demand for language directions such as Chinese to Zulu and Turkish to Chinese is increasing as new trading agreements are established. According to the International Monetary Fund, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) alone will account for as much as 61% of global growth over the next three years. Currently, these five countries comprise 42% of the world’s population and 18% of its GDP. And right behind them are Indonesia, Mexico, and Turkey as fast-growing economies with middle classes whose purse strings are loosening and whose wallets are expanding. Now is the time to put your international business strategy in order, supported by an appropriate translation plan for your website, to allow your team to support local prospects and customers according to their expectations.

Verztec Consulting is a leading ISO 9001:2008 Global Content Consulting Services Company. Verztec assists companies around the world to design, develop, localize and publish their global communication messages including Multilingual Brand Checks and Localization in over 60 languages across various channels.

Article reference source from Business 2 Community

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Happy New Year 2013!

We would like to wish you a very happy new year 2013. Thank you for your support!

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Workplace Safety is No Accident

“For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.” – Eleanor Everet, Safety Expert

Facing the facts

Every year, according to the International Labour Organization, an estimated two million people die due to occupational accidents and work-related diseases. There are about 270 million occupational accidents and 160 million work-related diseases reported annually. We can all easily be a part of these statistics if we are not careful enough.

Case in point: Just 2012 alone has seen many fatalities and casualties taking place during the course of work. There were fire breakouts, scaffolding blunders, fatal falls and the most recent being the Jurong Shipyard rig accident which left 89 workers injured.

Safety: Not a given

Safety at the workplace should not be taken for granted. It may be the company’s duty to ensure a secure environment for all, but it is equally important for employees to be vigilant and be on the constant look out for anything that may jeopardize their well-being.

Here are some tips you should keep in mind for a safer working environment:

1. Get some training and learn how to identify hazards, manage risks and do the job safely before
you start.
2. Ask your supervisor to watch and check that you are doing the job the right way.
3. Speak up and let supervisors know if you think a task is too dangerous or difficult for you.
4. Ask questions and check with supervisors and co-workers when you aren’t sure or can’t remember how to do a job safely.
5. Learn what to do and where to get help in an emergency.
6. Always follow the safety rules and
7. Always wear any personal protective equipment provided by your employer.
8. Report all injuries (minor or major), OHS incidents and near misses.
9. Look out for and report hazards.
10. Keep an eye on your co-workers,
especially if they are new to the workplace and don’t know all the OHS
11. Try to get a good night’s rest before
heading into work. Feeling tired can lead to dangerous mistakes.
12. If you have a safety concern, talk with more experienced workers such as supervisors, co-workers or your family to get some advice.

Credit: Talking Safety

Integrating good, health practices into your everyday life

You can also advocate workplace safety with the small things: by adopting a healthier lifestyle and routine. Give your eyes a break if you have used the computer for quite  while. Take a short walk once every few hours: you don’t have to head out of the building, a brief walk around the office compound will suffice. Make it a point to include more fruits as part of your diet – us Verztec folks have a designated fruit day every month – and exercise regularly.

Many hands make light work

In all, it’s best if everyone makes the effort to look out for themselves as well as for each other.

See a paper shredder unused but not turned off? Flip the switch button. Notice a box lying around a blind spot, along a common walk way? Move it to somewhere safer. Spot a flickering light in the storage? Report it immediately.

Do not leave your safety in the hands of others and do not assume someone else will do the deed for you. You never know when it is your simple act of consideration that can help save a fellow colleague a whole lot of fuss and complications.

After all, it is better to be safe than sorry and prevention is better than cure.

So what are your thoughts on safety at the workplace? Share your list of to-dos when it comes to maintaining the optimum environment for all.

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Verztec Connexions – November 2012

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